Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Hello everyone... I'm Steven. Since young, I'm interested in the art of the world which for me it colours up different aspect of our life. I started my journey of art with a box of colour pencil and later followed by water colour. Many beautiful moment was then captured down on a piece of a paper. As i grew up, the interest of art as my  career seems to fade away as other field of work seems much more promising. But my passion for the art was still burning hot in my heart. 

Then one day, I was walking about in a hyperstore, my eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a very beautiful wedding photo. The photo showed a lovely couple hugging each other in a garden full of flower. I was impressed with the composition of the photo where colours, subject  and background are juxtaposed beautifully. 

So, I have decided to be a freelance photographer. I believe my experience in art during school time will be an advantageous point for me to capture a beautiful and well composed photo. I believe i will capture the best moment of your life and preserve your precious memories. Hope one day, my work will be viewed by the whole world.

Thats me...